Re: Skylander Character Creator I-Wei Huang

Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:49 pm
by 1ofWiisdom
Great stuff...I'll check the links out later...
Got a new project in mind too

Re: Skylander Character Creator I-Wei Huang

Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:34 pm
by Orion's Islands
Hunting it down made it more fun…! Il like Huang's concept artwork.
I haven't even had a chance to really look over his website either…Now that I posted it, I won't lose or forget the website. This Forum thing works for me too.. A win, Win!
AHhhhhh!! This new project….
Optimistic response…Excellent!
Pessimistic response….more work.
Lol…Can't wait to hear the details!
Re: Skylander Character Creator I-Wei Huang

Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:19 am
by Orion's Islands
Here is an interview with Huang about getting started on the Skylanders project and some interesting concept art. I'll put some of the art up and the link to the interview.
A Concept and figure sketch for Camo
A Concept and figure sketch for Dino Rang
Concept Sketch for the Pushblock Turtles
Molds and Hand Painted Prototypes-Some of the first
Apparently Arbo was considered as a Skylander!…wow.
Drobot Evolution!
Re: Skylander Character Creator I-Wei Huang

Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:09 am
by Orion's Islands
How Skylanders figures are prototyped...3d shown and explained by I-Wei Huang
An article and 5 minute video on the use of 3d printers to speed up the production of and visualize the prototype Skylanders. prices fir Skylanders figures ... kylanders/Here is the direct link to the YouTube video, "How a Skylander Is Born" Second interview/article that has a different style than the ones above: ... kylanders/
Re: Skylander Character Creator I-Wei Huang

Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:25 am
by Orion's Islands
I posted this up on I-Wei Huang's CrabFu page when I found his drawing. I figured I couldn't realistically expect a reply.Apparently I surprised him by being polite on the internet. He surprised me right back by responding...
OrionsislandsNovember 5, 2014 at 12:45 AM
I ran across the drawing/picture on the internet and was interested in using it for background art on the Skylanders Blog I am in. I don't like using artwork I haven't made myself without attempting to get in touch with the artist first. So I tried to hunt down where it came!
Lo and Behold-it was you!!! (Below is the post I put up about it on our blog)
Now I don't know what to do! Well,,gulp...May we use your art on our blog?!ReplyDelete
Lol!...Happy to surprise you in good way!
I found the colored version posted up on deviantart. It was named Skylanders V3.0.
Colored by a Student Digital Artist: Altaeyyr.
Here is the link to the page: ... -293800351
Altaeyyr provided a link back to this site (yours) as the source. (So that's two people who are giving you credit!)
He/She put up these comments about coloring your picture:
"Thank you. It took a long time. 
I did not draw this image, I just coloured it in. I saw someone else had coloured in parts of it (I don't remember who) and I thought I would too. I got the full picture from here: [link]"
Jun 7, 2013
I agree with you, by the way: The colored version looks great. It caught the eye as a standout when I was browsing.
Well, Thank you for responding. We will certainly give you credit and link back to you here on the blog!
And I'll formally extend an invitation to you! Swing by if you'd like. I recently posted up pictures of "Duelist Gearshift". You might get a kick out of it. She's a custom figure, splitting her gear into the two hands pose. The site itself was recently started up by 1ofWiisdom (great name! He's been making really enjoyable YouTube video's about Skylanders since SSA started. We would be honored if you ever wanted to post anything up.
In any case, thanks again for your time. My family and I really enjoy your work.
Re: Skylander Character Creator I-Wei Huang

Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:54 pm
by wantGhostroaster2
That's awesome that he replied