On launch I got one trap of each element except tech and air, for the doom raiders of course, of course at the time of buying I thought the magic doom raider was simply not yet revealed, its actually non-existent

my second hunt gave me the dark starter an air trap and a tech trap so now I have 2 traps for life and water. The concept of 2 traps per element actually works cos you can have the doom raider eternally in a trap, they never have to leave! On another note, I think I know why the trap masters cost more, the Giants were bigger and light up, the swappers had 2 molds instead of one, but the trap masters dont have anything like that. They have super awesome packaging which probably cost alot to design and produce. What do you think? Is the cost worth it? Should there have been something else? I personally think for 2 or 3 dollars more they could have justified the price by adding a trap or making the weapons light ip when the character is near a villain in game.
Check out my YouTube channel where I play Minecraft, Clash Royale and unbox Pokemon merchandise. [url]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIOVpJAKaiT0NoHKM4kz6xA[url]
"I am the Chompy Mage and you are not a Chompy, so I do not like you"